Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All This SEX is Making Me...

...healthy! Ok aside from all the obvious reasons we love and engage in sex (for the love and intimacy in case you thought that a trick question,) there are some very solid health benefits for engaging in sex:
  1. Exercise! Depending on how athletic you and your partner are, sex can be a great way to boost your heart rate and get that blood flowing! Sex also BURNS CALORIES!
  2. Immune booster - according to WebMD, when people have sex at least once a week, studies showed higher levels of " antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had."
  3. Lowers prostate cancer risk - Two studies, one published in the British Journal of Urology International observed that men who ejaculated a minimum of five times a week during their twenty's lowered their risk for prostate cancer by 33%. The second study, in the Journal of the American Medical Association it was noted that older men who ejaculate at minimum 21 times a month also were at lower risk for prostate cancer.
  4. Post menopausal women can maintain their pelvic floor muscles when they have sex more often, as well as keeping their vagina supple. If you experience vaginal dryness (which frequent sex can also help with,) then look for a water based lubricant. This really is a case of use it or lose it.
  5. Intimacy is increased, and that's always a good thing for increasing health and well being.

Here's another tip for improving your sex life: drink water. Strive to drink half your body weight in ounces. Seriously. Keeping your body properly hydrated will increase and help men maintain their erections, and women will benefit by being better lubricated.

So have at it folks! Sex is good for you. Just remember to practice safe sex. <3 size="2">photo credit: Stoichiometry

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kangen Water - it really works

I know you've probably heard a lot of hype about Kangen water (also known as ionized water) promising to deliver all sorts of health benefits. So many benefits that it's a little hard to swallow (pun intended.) But I have to tell you about my experience with this water.

Three and half weeks ago, I answered an ad in my local paper placed by a holistic doctor who was looking for 10 people to do a study on. The ad asked that the candidates have one or more of the following: chronic pain, menopausal symptoms, diabetes, fatigue, arthritis etc. The ad said the medical exam and lab tests were free, and that the experimental "drug" was natural with no side effects.

"Ok," I thought, "I can go and check this out." I had a few of the symptoms listed, it wouldn't hurt to see what the doctor had to say. As it turned out, the doc prescribed a regiment of Kangen water set to a pH level of 9.5. I was to drink half my body weight in ounces daily. This amounted about a half gallon of water a day.

The doc set me up with gallon jugs of Kangen water and I refill the jugs when empty. I've been doing this for over three weeks and here are the real differences I've noticed:
  1. My lower back pain has all but diminished. (I've got disk degeneration between L4 and L5,)
  2. I have more energy.
  3. I had range of motion issues with my right shoulder which is not 100% better, but has significantly improved.
  4. I sleep better at night. One of my menopausal symptoms was waking in the middle of the night.
  5. My joints feel more fluid.
Lest you think that if I had drunk regular water in the same quantities I would get the same results, that could be true. Except I had been drinking about a half gallon of non-ionized water a day for a few months prior to the Kangen water experiment.

So in my non-scientific opinion: YES! Kangen water worked for me to relieve my some of my chronic health issues.

If you would like more information about Kangen water, contact Dr. Stewart Edrich at 562-799-0320.

image credit: languitar


The Information Contained Herein Should not be Considered Medical Advice; Nor is it Meant to Treat, Diagnose, Prescribe or Cure Any Disease. Seek the Guidance of a Qualified Health Professional if You Have Concerns or Questions About your Health issues.

About Me

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Southern California, United States
Holistic living, natural remedies have been part of my life since the early 80's. As a natural progression of my passion, I became a certified massage therapist in 2006, a Reiki Master in 2008, and in 2013 an Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach. I am here to promote natural healing, for it is my deep belief that with a little help from our friends and nature, we can all heal ourselves.